If its not the implementation of TSA, shrinking seat sizes, packed planes, airport food prices, or the lack of customer service in the airline travel industry, then it's something else that makes travel less enchanting.
I spent this morning in thought about some things that I can do to make air travel more enjoyable.
Here's my top ten ways to enjoy travel on airplanes.
1. Clothing - back in the day people used to get all gussied up to travel. But over the past few years people have become much less formal in their travel attire. After watching a few classic films like casa Blanca or even Indiana Jones it is easy to become nostalgic for the yesteryear of air travel. In my opinion the right clothes for modern travel are a mixture of class and comfort.
Finding clothes that look presentable but are comfortable is the key. I think each person can choose their style and the exact clothing but in many ways ones clothing are the equipment they will use for their adventures in life. If you want to have your adventures in sweat pants, I guess that's your prerogative.

NOTE: If you are headed on vacation its OK to look that way - I think everyone should look forward to getting a vacation, but as a favor to the rest of the world lets make it look like a nice vacation.
2. The right foot ware - shoes that you can walk in, easily remove at security and wear for any occasion are best. I have a pair that I wear on every trip because they work for everything but running a marathon.
3. Hydration- you would think that this is a little thing, but in my opinion it's one of the biggest. Keeping yourself full of fluids is the best way to avoid headaches, helps you sleep Nd keeps your circulation up. You might not think of your trip as a marathon event. But at times that is exactly what it becomes, especially if its a delay or a missed flight.
I like to have a bottle I can take with me and fill with fountain water. I hate paying 3.50 for 5 cents of water. I have also started to take the new crystal light liquid drops with me to add a little flavor to life.
4. Media and escapism - I once took a film class in college where the teacher advised us of the dangers of escapism, as well we spoke about all the advantages of the same. It's true that people can escape into a movie or a book and loose touch with reality, but in my opinion one of the greatest gifts to modern travel is the ipad and a movie. Watching a movie, reading a book, Listening to a book - all help a person remove themselves from the situation in which they are stuck, in in some cases for many hours! I like a good conversation as well as the next person, but after a while conversations can grow awkward and can even annoy other people around you. Its nice to have a distraction while on the plane.
Another fair point about movies and other entertainment media is that we choose what we watch and why we watch it. You can only watch so many action movies before you need something more intellectual or fulfilling. I find that exploring an entire genre Like Samurai, Non Linear Films, Surreal, or even fantasy and Sci-Fi - and actually studying the films before I watch them makes the viewing experience more meaningful and gives you something to talk about in your next conversation.
My sister in law gave me a good tip about hard back books, its good have one with you because it can be read even when digital media is not allowed to be turned on. I keep a good self help book, or an educational book with me for just this reason.
5. Bring your own food or treat - I don't just mean get some M&M's at the gift shop. Even if you have an expense account and the company pays for what you eat on the road, its a good idea to have something with you that you enjoy and that nobody had to pay a 200% markup on, I suppose this is my little way of sticking it to the man ( Gift shops are a huge pet peeve of mine). A buddy of mine makes the best beef jerky around, I save it up and take it with me on my trips because I know nobody else in the whole airport can buy or get the same stuff I have. Think about what you would like and then make it your special thing.
6. Study your destination in advance - Knowing where your going and learning about it in advance makes the trip more special, it brings a sense of discovery to the trip and allows you to hit the ground running once you get there. Often I travel to a city and only spend 24 or less hours in the location. Studying my destination helps me to at-least see or accomplish something while I'm there rather than fumbling around looking for something to do or staying in a place far away from my destination. I find that if I have studied a destination before I get there that the actual flight is more enjoyable because I'm headed to a planned adventure rather than just headed out on business. Its all about the attitude I have while traveling.
7. Luggage - SIZE DOES MATTER! - Most experienced travelers know that the ease at which you can make it through the airport, security checkpoints and the amount of waiting in line you have to do is entirely dependent on the kind of luggage you have and the amount of CRAP you carry with you. In my opinion any male should be able to take a week long trip and fit everything he needs into a Euro sized Cary on and one shoulder bag. Living out of a carry on bag has many advantages.
Here are a few:
1. You never loose your luggage - because it will allways be by your side and not bellow the pane.
2. If you get delayed or stuck somewhere all your sundries are where you are
3. No waiting in baggage check lines ( no matter how much you try you will one day be late to the airport and not having to check a bag is a make it or break it factor)
4. Not having to pay for checked baggage - sometimes checked bag can cost you up to 50 bucks extra - save the money and go have a $50 dinner.
5. Get in and out of the airport faster by not waiting for checked baggage at your destination. More you time at the hotel, more seeing the world.
8. Wet wipes - I know this sounds silly, but anyone who has ever been a parent or any one who has ever been in the military and spent time in the field can tell you how handy a packet of wet whipes can be. Lets say its been a longer than expected day, your shower scent is starting to wear off and the flight attendant just spilled cranberry juice all over your pants. Your hands are sticky, the seat belt sign is on and you are miserable.... No Problemo! Just bust out your wet wipes and have a cat bath. In a pinch wet wipes can be as effective as a shower for helping you feel not so traveled and gross. often on cross country flights ill take a few minutes to freshen up in the bathroom during layovers. A good wet wipe once over really makes the rest of the trip bearable.
While I was in the military we used to call them HOOAH WIPES! because after being in the dirt and mud for three days with three days left before a shower a man could feel like new with a few wipes to clean up with.
9. PRICE LINE.com - Which ever mobile device you use for travel I have found that the best app for travel planning and deals while on the road is the Price Line App. It gets you the best prices for just about everything and helps you get a hotel at a moments notice. If I have to buy last minute flights, price line is the way to go. On my last Eight trips I have stayed at 3.5 star hotels for less than 60 bucks a night each time.... I don't do 4 stars because they charge you more for everything (including internet) and more often than not are about the same in terms of quality. If I just show up at a motel 6 the price would be 60 bucks. The key is to wait till the night of and make a reservation on price-line. Often I check out their express deals and if nothing suits my fancy then I use the name your own price function. This is important for enjoying my flight because I like to know that no matter what happens while im on the plane, I get to stay at a nice place as soon as I get off. I also find that I do better business when I stay in a decent hotel but don't pay outrageous prices for it. For example last week I stayed at the Crown Plaza in Texas for $35, It was very nice and the next day I felt like a million bucks!
10. Sleeping on the plane ..... If you don't have one already.... find and buy a good neck pillow if you have to sleep on a plane, its the only thing I've found that will actually make it bearable. As well I find that if I can, I always want an ISLE seat. If you like windows then get a window seat, if you like the middle...... Your NUTS! Either way, planning the trip to your advantage is key. If you are on southwest and cant exactly control which seat you will get on the plane, Make sure you check in right at 24 hours before the flight so as to get in the A boarding group..... the effort is worth it.
If you think its worth it ( I DO) see your doctor about getting some mild sleeping medication, or get something over the counter that will work for you. Sometimes its just plain hard to fall alseep on the plane, but if there is something out there to help you ... (something legal is should add ) then go for it.
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